judgement day hack 2

Cooks: make the food others are too busy to prepare. Writers: articulate the thoughts others are too preoccupied to formulate.

– Alain de Botton

woke up early to do some of the stats homework.

left earlier to the hackathon this time, took the bus with A and W, discussed about ethical problems (old vs children on the road) and birth of the universe.

lunch was chipotle style food. it was really good. so much better than pizza. they didn't refill the green tea drink.

most of the time was spent integrating all of our work together. W handled most of it. I barely did much this hackathon. my headache is affecting me.

spent more time making the excalidraw figure and slides in figma. all of us were so focused on building out this project and making a good presentation.

sat through 15 demos, some demos were embarrassing to watch. knowledge graphs eval won first place which was a surprise. thought we could've gotten top 3.

we had fun and that's what matters? not winning the hackathon make it felt like the 14 hours we spent the past two days went to waste. maybe it did, or maybe instead of focusing on the prize, we must rank the effort above the prize. i'm proud of my friends for finishing the project. all of us were visibly disappointed and demotivated.

rushed stats homework again in time to study for relational quiz the next morning. had to write out an entire cheatsheet.

faced psychological warfare by my neighbor at midnight. felt so much anxiety with him dropping stuff on our roof. he did it twice today. my clothes are upstairs in the dryer. i can't even take them. felt anger and hatred. i want to file a police report on that man.

couldn't sleep possibly because of the green tea, my brain was awake while my body feel asleep. i was conscious till 2:40 a.m.

i was afraid i won't be able to fall asleep at all.
