judgement day hack 1

1 Corinthians 13: “Love suffers long and is kind. It is not proud. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never fails… Now these three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

discovered on cinema therapist on the office romances

reading up on Ray to write an article for Ray summit 24' interesting to learn more about distributed ML. hoping to dive deeper and understand how it works internally in their whitepaper.

hackathon at weights and biases. first hackathon with the meta boys in a team. team name is chinatown mafia. TIL there's a chinatown gang in NY called flying dragons.

also learned a hack for extending OPT from an alumni. you can start an LLC and also get paid for your side projects, and stay up to a year after graduating.

some interesting links on evals from the hackathon

headache so bad after lunch i had to take a power nap

didn't feel excited about this hackathon initially

but overall a good time with classmates

the last group to leave at 10 p.m.

A. drove us to treasure island and did a loop back to sf

grateful i get to meet friends at this program, do hackathons in the weekends, and talk to interesting people.

hw due on sunday night and exam on monday morning. time is so limited.
