Night's Candles Are Burnt Out, Seán Keating, 1889–1977
As part of the Work on Climate Expert Office Hours, I had a chance to talk to Dave, a renewable energy technologist at Google.
A few notes on our conversation:
Book recommendations on energy
- "The Grid" by Gretchen Bakke (talks about challenges of integrating intermittent renewables into the grid)
- "Powering in the Future" by Robert Laughlin (good for energy nerds)
- "Energy and Civilization" by Vaclav Smil (about the role of energy in human civilization)
- "The Climate Casino" by William Nordhaus (on climate economics and renewable energy)
- "A Citizen's Guide to Climate Success" by Mark Jaccard (policy book, also funny)
- Short Circuiting Policy by Leah Stokes (if you want to get angry about policy)
Current challenges
- Supplying clean energy for data centers
- Rapidly growing need for data centers to power large language models
- Increasing efficiency of these models 100x could prevent devastating CO2 emissions
- Transmission Bottlenecks
- Building out more high-voltage transmission lines is a major bottleneck
- Many transmission projects stalled due to "not in my backyard" opposition
- New wind/solar farms are pointless without transmission to get electricity onto grid
- Intermittency and Weather Forecasting
- Classic problem of wind/solar being intermittent and mismatched to demand
- Improved weather forecasting is crucial for optimizing renewable dispatch
- More predictive capability through better weather models is imperative
- Optimal Power Flow (OPF) Modeling
- Solving OPF problem is key for grid operators to avoid overloads/blackouts
- OPF models determine optimal electricity flows during periods of energy scarcity
- Understanding OPF is valuable for using computing/software for renewable integration
- Overall grid management challenges
- Intermittency of renewables coupled with transmission constraints
- Inability to perfectly predict and match supply/demand
- Must be overcome for effective integration of high levels of renewables
Role of Nuclear Energy
- We have to build a lot more nuclear power plants. Nuclear power provides stable baseload power and is one of the safest forms of electrical power generation
- It produces a tiny amount of nuclear waste, which can be managed despite opposition
- Once built and paid off, nuclear plants can last 100 years and provide inexpensive, stable power
- The French have perfected building nuclear plants cost-effectively, achieving economies of scale and low carbon intensity
- as of Dec 2023, they generate 2/3 of electricity from nuclear.
- they have one of the lowest CO2 emissions per unit of electricity in the world at 85g of CO2/kWh, compared to global average of 438.
on Fusion
- Dave spent 5 years working on fusion energy at Google, mostly exploring ideas that didn't pan out
- Commonwealth Fusion Sciences, an MIT startup, has a promising approach combining high-temperature superconductivity with toroidal Tokamak fusion
- Their approach is based on well-understood models, making it more predictable and engineerable
- However, fusion is still at an early stage, similar to solar energy in the 1950s before silicon cells became practical
- Fusion may be viable for future generations, but serious decarbonization efforts can't rely on it in the near-term
what he wished people knew more about energy
- energy in food
- You can put food into a calorimeter and figure out its energy content in joules.
- For a potato, if you burn it in a calorimeter, you'll find out how many joules of energy it contains.
- You can then trace back how many joules of fossil energy it took to produce that potato.
- Divide the fossil energy input by the food energy output, and you get a dimensionless ratio in joules per joule.
- For a potato, it's something like one quarter of a joule of fossil energy per joule of food energy, so a 4 to 1 ratio.
- That's not great that fossil energy is still burned to make a potato, but at least it's 4 joules out for every 1 in.
- If you look at the American diet on average, it's about 8 joules of fossil energy per joule of food energy.
- So the American diet is about 30 times worse than just eating potatoes in terms of embedded fossil energy.
- energy in air travel
- He's happy Google Flights shows you the tons of CO2 emitted for flight routes.
- People should especially avoid short flights, as a lot of emissions come from the energy expended in the climb to cruising altitude.
- For short flights, planes may never reach that cruising altitude before descending.
- Long distance isn't good either, as it burns more fuel over a longer distance.
- If people were more aware, we'd have electrified high-speed rail networks which are much easier to decarbonize than air travel.
- Airplanes running on batteries are either too heavy or too short range currently.
imparting words
- get to know your neighbors and the people around you
- volunteer for a nonprofit / start your own like Dave
- Dave started his own nonprofit that he volunteers for
- find joy and happiness close to home and in their own communities, this can make communities stronger and happier
- The implication is that being engaged locally and finding fulfillment in one's community can lead to lower climate impacts from factors like reduced consumption, travel, etc.