welcoming night

"Tomorrow and plans for tomorrow can have no significance at all unless you are in full contact with the reality of the present, since it is in the present and only in the present that you live. There is no other reality than present reality, so that, even if one were to live for endless ages, to live for the future would be to miss the point everlastingly."

― Alan Watts, The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety

typing python code into a textbox is the least practical way to test someone's coding ability, but a really good way to test for retrieval accuracy and performing under pressure. you can't miss anything when writing in a textbox. you also need such a good understanding of input, and expected output, you don't get the feedback loop of seeing the output of your results, so you have to visualize it in your head, hold on to it, and perform operations, all the while remembering syntax rules. i realize so many gaps in my knowledge when i do these quizzes. things seem obvious when you're provided tools, but take them away (ability to run code), and your raw abilities are tested.

it's the same when you meet people, if you're talking to the same people every day (in a classroom setting), you reach a local maximum of what you're able to learn. when you talk to someone who's at least 3 standard deviations above you, you realize how much you don't know. things you never knew you didn't know. it's conversations with experts where dense information are packaged into a 30 minute conversations that expands your worldview. these are essential to grow. it's overwhelming yet inspiring at the same time.

welcome night at IEC was fun. it was 6 hours overall, it brings me back to church camps. the games, the bible stories, the self-introductions. church was and still is a big part of my life. if i ever have kids, i wonder what their experiences will be like with church.

3 principles to succeed in school and career from church

lessons from daniel and friends

  1. diligence - hard work on the right things
  2. discipline - good control of time and emotions
  3. devotion - trust in God in good and bad times
