sf main library & ikea

July 25, 2024

  • Woke up with the stiffest neck in the world, immediately went on ikea to buy pillows after quiz, during class
  • felt so uncomfortable during exam, a lot less confident about my solutions this time, only had time to check solutions once
  • didn’t focus in both classes at all again
  • Two fire alarm drills in a day
  • i need friends who I can discuss interesting stuff, i want to abolish the casual small talks, i want to talk about dog cloning, history of san francisco, flowers, culture of writing, blogging, side projects, AI, and just have fun talking. I need to surround myself with more people that make me dream and build, ones that i not only admire, but also study from, learn from, and surpass.
  • Great people do, and the rest don’t
  • main library 6th floor is like a museum
  • i want to learn more about chinatown and the history and Chinese Americans
  • There are so many magazines here at 5th floor, protip: PressReader is free for SFPL
  • The bookstore at sfpl had a stripe press book for only 5 bucks, what a steal
  • Walking from main library to ikea is super messy, not doing that again
  • ikea at 945 market st is so tiny, glad i could step in to buy a bag and step out quickly, found out at night that today was the last day to get a free entree as a student, i’m so sad
  • I’ve been walking market street so much these days, cool to see it in 1962 and today, they had plans to improve market street, wonder if any of those plans succeeded
  • MJÖLKKLOCKA pillow is saving my neck, good investment
  • i had more thoughts that were floating in my head while I was slowly losing consciousness in bed, i can't remember them anymore as I type this the next day, in class, at 2:33 p.m.