Internship Showcase

August 1, 2023

I participated in an internship showcase today at Tesla.

It was fun talking about my work.

Although, I didn't do a great job explaining my work. It takes a lot of skill to explain something in the simplest way possible, with just enough detail, to convey the right amount of information, and keep the person's attention.

To do that, it requires really knowing your work. That eliminates room for uncertainty and doubt, which staggers communication.

While I'm speaking, I don't know if it's too much or too little, and I believe practices makes it better. Once you know the specific points to hit, you won't be led astray by your thought process, but you have guardrails in place.

I think a good principle is to not talk about what's on the slide, but what's behind it. The idea, the problem, the why. To not talk about what's already there, but what's not there.

It's also good to come from a listener's perspective. As someone who came with zero knowledge about my work, I'm filling in the missing details, the questions in their head, and satiating their curiosity.

What I loved about this showcase is hearing about other teams who are doing similar projects, and the interesting problems other interns are solving.