
September 12, 2023

There's a wikipedia page about lifelogging, an act of recording one's daily life to learn about how people live their lives.

I used to journal everyday, listing down the things that happened in my life.

I stopped doing it because it felt like a chore, and it wasn't providing any value to me.

I came across this article about a daily worklog habit.

I think logging daily work is a good tip, it's a good way to keep track of what you've done and the kinds of problems you've encountered and solved.

It'll be useful for performance reviews / promotion document prep, but more importantly it'll help you reflect on your journey and see how much you've grown.

How does a worklog work? The author recommends that anything that takes away your time should go into the log in chronological order.

For example, tasks or issues you worked on, code reviews you opened, meetings you attended (including notes), or research you do on new features.

This concept reminds me a lot of having a second brain.

I would love an app that can help me effectively capture, organize, and easily access it for me when I need it.

It can help deal with the information overload I face when I read newsletters, watching YouTube or listening to podcast, or find something interesting on curius.

There are some software ( and today that helps capture information effectively, organizes it for you, and makes it accessible when you need it.

Maybe I'll build one myself.