What is a Friend?

May 21, 2023

I think friendship has 10 increasing levels of strength, and the best friends – true friends – live near the top of this pyramid, around 8-10.

A friend:

  1. Is kind to you to your face (when you are in the room)
  2. Is kind to you behind your back (when you are not in the room)
  3. Will genuinely celebrate when good things happen to you
  4. Will genuinely console when bad things happen to you
  5. Can be trusted with vulnerable or confidential information
  6. Will do things to try and make you happy
  7. Shows up – volunteers to help when needed
  8. Will fight for you
  9. Will push you to your potential, often by telling you hard truths
  10. Will die for you

A true friend are the last 3 levels.

They will fight for you, risking their own safety and image to protect yours.

They tell you hard truths, sacrifice comfort and peace in the relationship for your growth and potential.

They will sacrifice their own life.

To find true friends like this, is to be a true friend yourself.