watched a few videos on journaling.
main takeaway is to treat your journal entry as a conversation with yourself. one tip is to write about 4 things
- something that happened
- something you're proud of
- something you did not do well
- what these events has in common with other events in your life (larger narrative)
#4 is the most essential, because we as human beings are storytellers, and as we write about events in our lives, weaving together the past and present, we are telling a narrative about ourselves. by doing that, we are constructing who we are.
on that note, marcus aurelius has this idea of journaling for "dyeing" the mind, where you repeatedly write about your principles and values, your ideal self that you want to achieve, that way it will be integrated into your actions in your daily life, consciously or unconsciously
journaling doesn't help you make sense of the world, but it helps you make sense of yourself. – Jared Henderson
cooked japanese chicken curry, stood 2 hours in the kitchen, cutting onions, potatoes, kabocha squash, and carrots, while watching super 8. i mixed curry roux from two brands this time. S&B golden curry (Hot) and vermont curry. this will last me for 3 days. pair this with Beni shōga and rice. it's perfect. there's so much room for experimentation, i have yet to try adding grated apple, red wine, or try even coffee powder. i could even try making my own chicken broth, or make katsu.