cny parade

February 15, 2025

Golden Dragon

Golden Dragon

woke up and talked for too long again to T. felt bad that i'm taking her sleeping hours. went to wnb at 400 alabama st, took a suspicious lyft ride but turns out it was just a glitch with the system. got there, talked to some people. food was delayed for an hour and it was a 30 min long queue for pizza, left for acapella instead. got food at gourmet carousel

walked back to chinatown, watched parade near portsmouth square. stood here for a solid 45 minutes before deciding to leave.

tried to get home, and A wanted to go to gym, got trapped by the parade and did an entire loop and ended at market street. they went to gym, and i wanted to see gam long. i saw it "resting" before it breathed life for the parade. i was fine until a homeless person talked to me which spooked me and i went home by myself.

wracked my brain for the right idea for almost 3 hours, trying to figure out what and how to pitch. slept at 2 a.m.