blue angels

chinatown stockton street

chinatown stockton street

For a man's ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and he ponders all his paths – Proverbs 5:21 ESV

methodist church chinese service, they're so hospitable and welcoming. they keep saying "so glad to see young people". played ping pong after service. they had sticky rice and che thai.

space X chopsticks capture

italian heritage festival & parade

saw blue angels at fisherman's wharf. they fly down to 18 inches apart from each other. and costs ~120 mil each. the booming sounds they make are both terrifying yet thrilling at the same time.

went for a quick grocery run before the stores closes at 6pm. did a photography walk around chinatown. so impressed by the x100s, the only thing is the pictures that come out of it is dark, and requires lightroom for post-processing. but for a camera that came out 14 years ago, it's working so well.

so many things happening in the world. i'm only experiencing a tiny slice of it.

felt immensely tired today. is this the tiredness from the past week catching up on me? what is considered rest? am i even capable of rest?
