ai for climate

September 9, 2024

applied for the asia bridge graduate fellowship, where you research about one the following countries (China, Japan, Korea, India, or the Philippines), write a research paper, and present it in an academic setting. i had two ideas: 1) analyzing dialects in china, and the possibility of fine-tuning an LLM to understand and speak those dialects. 2) ai for climate change mitigation in china, how U.S. and China approach it, and what they can learn from each other. i went for the second one. fingers crossed i get accepted. i've always loved essay writing and research, and writing a paper is something i've always wanted to do.

researching for #2 had me go into a rabbit hole in class. this tackling climate change with ML paper has been on my to-read list for so long. Climate Change AI is the best platform for climate change X AI, with tons of rabbit holes to dive into. their wiki, list of papers, interactive summaries, tutorials and blogs.

i need a nice platform to track my paper reading goals. a goodreads for paper reading. where you can get recommended to other papers. leave reviews and comments. and follow other people.

been torn about career goals. it was always faang but what if i go for what i'm interested in from the start? working on AI for climate change feels like the most useful and interesting problem i could solve. everything else pales in comparison, every other problem seems insignificant. i need to love my work to do great work.

but i lack expertise. i need to do more projects, finish more things

i also need to study for quiz tomorrow, it's so hard to get myself to study and do class stuff these days. i have no discipline or motivation for school.