"Throw everything out of your mind ... read a little, sleep. The world will still be here when you wake up, and there’ll still be everything left to do." – James Baldwin
couldn't get out of bed and was 20 min late to class. i setup mongodb finally. i ran one query and spent the time doing homework for another class instead. i can't bring myself to learn at this rate, or for the sake of going through the material. i only learn through problem-solving. if class was framed as whoever can write the best query in 2 hours that is most efficient and finds the right answer that would make it more enticing. but watching my professor run queries and explaining them with lecture slides is too difficult for me to stick around for. i'm too impatient.
ate the gumbo from last night. it tasted "aight" indeed. there are so many group project meetings this semester. it's good to mix around with other students, it kicks me out of my usual friend group and comfort zone.
SF has been rainy these past few days, and i love the rain. my photos are all more dramatic, and i love the way lights reflect on the ground.
was able to watch pride and prejudice with T. mr darcy is a charming man. we are an hour and a half in. i expect a happy ending. i haven't been able to relax and watch a movie, and i'm feeling grateful and blessed to be able to watch it with her.
i have so many task and projects to finish. the old me would start panicking and spend the entire night grinding, but i've come to realize that the work will always be there, and i have the freedom to choose what's important to me, and spending tonoight with her is one of those things. in 5 years i will forget what homework i finished or what article i wrote, but i'll always remember watching this movie with her, 6,432 miles apart, acting goofy, smiling uncontrollably, and feeling happier than ever.