japanese beef curry

migraine was really bad again today. is it ia lack of quality sleep? stress? braces? dehydration? screens? so many potential causes. i got home and just laid on the floor and was knocked out for an hour.

first time cooking japanese beef curry today with my mueller 6 qt enamled cast iron dutch oven. the entire process took 3 hours end-to-end. taste wise, the flavor could be better, and my beef wasn't soft enough. i think it needs curry powder and bay leaves. and i shouldn't use sirloin for my beef, but chuck roast.

spoke to someone working at stripe as a DA.

a few takeaways below.

3 components of work

  • define key metrics to track
  • running AB tests, interpret results, provide product strategy and recommendations
  • deep dive analysis, sizing opportunity, i.e. forecasting cost for next year, causal inference

writing culture at stripe

  • always write a doc when making a decision, get opinions from others, have a review session
  • compared to traditional powerpoint culture, no need to spend time on making things look nice

stripe vs MSFT

  • stripe is growing, still smaller than FAANG, fast moving culture, cares more about startups and smaller business
  • microsoft is large, things move slower. more solid structure for doing things
  • at stripe, you just do things, there's good and bad side
  • MSFT has a lot of usage data, how people use office and teams to run analysis to better serve users. ex: how to acquire more seats (more subscriptions for office products)

stripe DS vs DA

  • DS runs more ML models than DA
  • DS would deploy a model
  • MLEs would do even more engineering type of work, setup envs, MLOps
  • experiments is fun, you can learn something totally different from what you expected

experimentation at stripe

  • coordinate with eng where to put code,
  • do forefront analysis for how much samples needed, metrics to track,
  • AA testing to ensure experiment setup is right to not waste time to put in bad data
  • it's more manual, microsoft is more streamline to run experiments

experimentations are moments of truths

  • experiment results gives you learnings for product roadmap
  • i.e. results showed cost but also decrease in conversion rate, run further tests to decide action plan. care about cost or customer more?

advice on career

  • look at people ahead of you and where they landed
  • gather data points
  • it's your choice in the end
  • you have to try, sometimes you never know, you have to do it and see if you like it or not
  • it's a luck thing to find what you love
