anthropic builder's day

November 2, 2024

I think that most people are underestimating just how radical the upside of AI could be, just as I think most people are underestimating how bad the risks could be

anthropic office is so nice. mini apples, coffee bar, boba stand, snacks, unsweetened matcha, lint rollers and bamboo toothbrushes in the bathroom.

learned about, a unified framework and language for design and development

founder of sat on our table and started sharing his stories. his advice: you have have full conviction you can be the 2% ($10B valuation).

he also talked about the best skill of a good MLE: bootstrapping. test out the idea with a few samples of data, collect data as you go, use that data to finetune your model, keep iterating.

hacked on a better captcha system in 2 hours. had a great demo to alex. got announced to be top 5 and was first to demo in front of >100 people. getting top 2 in the end was surreal. we finally broke the cycle for hackathon loses for chinatown mafia. it's a new beginning. what's next?

had trisara for dinner with family. went to SFO to pickup sister.

was so sleepy the entire day.