legion of honor

Legion of Honor Museum

Legion of Honor Museum

  • yerba buena, AMC
  • Most restaurants only open past 10am
  • Moscow center
  • 5th street
  • Hotel 964
  • We are SF made banners
  • Saw 6th street
  • 5-7th street (This area is dead and sketchy)
  • Starco mart
  • SF association of the blind
  • Nanay = mother in filipino
  • Sightglass coffee
  • 7th & Folsom St, 27 blue bus -> chinatown
  • Geary, post, sutter, bush, pine
  • Where is California st Starbucks? – old korean lady
  • Cheonman-eyo = welcome
  • Occidental board presbyterian mission house
  • Clarion music center - exotic musical instruments of the world
  • Choy Won Beauty Salon (8$)
  • The spicy Shrimp (4156587168)
  • Ju Gao dry goods store
  • The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints
  • sudden urge to get new balance shoes, recs are NB 990v3 / NB 990v6 / NB 993
  • Take 38R bus from Chinatown to Richmond
  • 2nd to 48th ave in Richmond
  • Self help for the elderly
  • Geary blvd & 33rd Ave, 18 blue bus -> Legion of Honor
  • I need that trader joe blue and white bag
  • Legion of Honor museum is a replica of The Palais de la Légion d'honneur in Paris
  • free every first tuesday of the month!
  • Honneur Et Patrie = Honor and Country
  • El camino del mar
  • Matson cargo ship
  • Unidad (unity) and Solidaridad (solidarity)
  • Lincoln park playground
  • San Francisco high school of the arts
  • George peabody school
  • Mamahuhu 馬馬虎虎
  • Green Apple book store
  • Thornton State beach
  • Marin Headlands
  • Wait that’s how cable cars works? There’s a moving cable underneath and the gripmen confirms the tightness of the grip, which determines the speed
  • Gonna start buying nice art books the minute once I start working and have money. or I can just visit bookstores and library everyday hmm.


  • view at Tivoli at Sunset – Claude
  • Allegory of Geometry, 1649
  • Vanitas 1660 (luxury is fleeting)
  • Landscape with travelers and a ruin (late 18th)
  • Venice, the Grand Canal Looking East with Santa Maria della Salute, 1749-1750
  • Flower in a silver vase 1663, Van Aeslt
  • Fishing under the ice on the Maas
  • View of the falls at Vallombrosa, 1797
  • A cloud and landscape study by moonlight 1822, Dahl
  • The wave, Gustave Courbet
  • Third class carriage, Daumier (economic inequalities of industrialized society)
  • The assuaging of waters, 1840
  • Waves Breaking, 1881
  • Sunflowers along the Seine, 1885, Gustave
  • Yoshitora Utagawa, Balloons in Flight in the United States of North America, from the series People of Foreign Lands, 1861
  • Rainy seasons in the tropics 1866
  • Fog over the gate 1935
  • Russian hill 1945

Notes from museum

  • How powerful were the catholics?
  • Enlightenment (use of reason and advocate for civil liberties)
  • French Revolution (monarchy -> republic)
  • Rococo to Neoclassicism
  • Reading artwork description and period information and translating it to chinese is a good way to test comprehension
  • 他的表情画的很好
  • Auguste Rodin— father of modern sculpture
  • The burgher class
  • Flowers open to drop seeds? Is that the only reason they open?
  • Napoleon 1804
  • Britain became world’s leaading power
  • Egyptomania – Egyptian subjects and motifs incorporated into french art
  • Romanticism, artists looking to medieval past for inspiration and depict subjects with heightened drama and emotion
  • Ecole des Beaux Arts doesn’t accept women until 1897, Dubourg copies paintings at the Lourve, meets husband in the galleries
  • Tea roses and Nigella
  • Flower-obsessed Victorian England
  • Sexual allusion—cracked pitcher signifying lost of virginity or love abandoned
  • Mavourneen = Irish Gaelic term of endearment for “my beloved”
  • Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, and the Aesthetic movement emerged as reactions to the perceived mechanization and inauthenticity of contemporary art
  • Sketchily brushed depiction of contemporary life
  • A critic coined the term impressionism
  • Renoir incorrectly dating his art for Landscape at Beaulieu with 97
  • True porcelain is invented by Chinese, known as hard paste, the more fragile European imitation, fired at lower temperatures and made of other clays are known as soft paste
  • Porcelain is made from firing Kaolin at high temperatures. Made from fine white clay, extremely pure aluminum silicate + pentuntse, a feldspathic rock
  • Hermes – god of trade and travel
  • Exposition Universelle in Paris
  • Zuan-cho: design idea books
