the three modern vices by nietzsche
- overwork: to be constantly busy is self negation. it betrays " a will to forget" oneself
- curiosity: vague curioisty about everything, without deep obsesssion, goes nowhere
- sympathy: sympathy for all = a refusale to rank good and bad
stayed home the whole day updating my blog. i can't believe i spent at least 6 hours just reading and writing my blog. i was in flow. it was raining the entire day too. i would've left the house if it wasn't raining. was going to go to the birthday party but passed out on my table for over an hour.
played man of steel in the background in the morning. then National Geograhpic videos on youtube. i learned about the Cordyceps fungues. terrifying stuff. i also learned leapords can kill crocodiles. watching nature in my cold and dark bedroom. also found two Taiwanese drama to watch with T: Autumn's Concerto and Meteor Garden (2001).
air fried by chicken drumsticks and continued to finish the rest of the blogs i missed. did a short study into autoencoders. one thing i love about writing these is i can decide to learn about a topic and it becomes a forcing function to write about it, creating this generative process of consuming and creating in a no pressure environment. the only problem is time.
i spent the entire day doing this and i had so many other things on my todo list. and it's already 11 p.m.